The Vast and Inscrutable Imponderabilities of Life

Harry Potter Succumbs to the Dark Lord

On Friday, May 22nd, 2015, Harry Potter succumbed to the Dark Lord.

He was almost three years old.

His intestines had folded in on themselves due to one of three types of incurable cancer.

The Dark Lord claimed him.

Harry was a love slut.

Harry is the grey tabby to the left of George (orange tabby) and both hide from the fearsome Katniss.
Harry is the grey tabby to the left of George (orange tabby) and both are above Katniss.

The most affectionate kitten out of two litters of kittens I fostered the spring my mother was dying, he endangered my writing efforts by his need for endless cuddles.

Harry was a big fan of the “left-arm cuddle,” a compromise he accepted so he could stay by the keyboard.
The Enemy

He was convinced I had it all wrong

that the real use for my fingers

was not for tapping the little black things

that made the clicking noises



kitty scritchings

for which he had



saturation point.

The start of “right-side scritchings.” Harry assesses my technique.

He is survived by his littermates Katniss and George Weasley, and lattermates, Mo, Bart, Boddicea, Jojo, Nancy Mew, Hercule Purrot, Brendan 2.0, and Gilda.

Catopia will never be the same without his sweet nature. He was friend to feline and human alike.

Harry says, “STOP petting your phone and pet ME.”

His last day was spent in the hands of people, new and old, who loved his affectionate nature. In our final hour together, we were never physically apart.

He died peacefully, high as a kite, attended by Dr. Stiglich, Dr. Peters, and me.

I do not understand why such a sweet spirit came and went so quickly.

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